International workshop on Bronze Age textile production in Gothenburg

Our research team was invited to participate in the workshop organized by the Bronze Age wool economy: production, trade, environment, husbandry and society (THESP) project at Gothenburg University 26-27 February 2018.

The workshop focused on the production of Bronze Age wool textiles in various regions of Europe. The invited lecturers summarized the archaeological data and the preliminary results of the strontium isotope analyses from the area of present day Denmark, Central Hungary and the Po Plain, Italy.

The conference was organized by the members of the THESP project: Sophie Bergerbrant, Karin Frei, and Serena Sabatini (Gothenburg University, Danish National Museum).

Among the invited participants the specialists of the Scandinavian and the Mediterranean region, Kristian Kristiansen (Gothenburg University), Andrea Cardarelli (La Sapienza University of Rome), Claudio Cavazzuti (Durham University), Jacopo de Grossi Mazzorin (University of Salento), Christopher Prescott (The Norwegian Institute in Rome ), Susan Sherratt (University of Sheffield) and Alison Sheridan (National Museums Scotland), furthermore, scholars of the Hungarian Bronze Age, Magdolna Vicze (Matrica Museum), László Bartosiewicz (Stockholm University), and members of the Momentum Mobility Research Group: Viktória Kiss, Gabriella Kulcsár, and Judit P. Szeőke were present.

Our presentation, entitled Bronze Age Landscapes in Central Hungary, has shown former and recent research results of the Benta Valley region and other areas of Pest county, granted by the Wenner-Gren Foundation, the Momentum Grant of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the National Research, Development and Innovation Office (project Nr. 108756).

The Sóskút site at the Benta Valley with modern-day sheep herd
